Telecommunication System and Business Organization
259 Learner(s)
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari konsep dasar kewirausahaan, merealisasikan inovasi dan pengembangan ide yang didokumentasikan secara terstruktur dalam bentuk business plan, mempelajari mengenai bekerjasama, bernegosiasi (proses pitching), bertanggung jawab (menyusun laporan keuangan), realisasi usaha yang meliputi implementasi dan evaluasi business plan serta mengikuti market day.
Bobot sks : 2
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengertian:
Pengertian Kewirausahaan
Pengertian Entrepreneur
Pengetahuan, Skill, dan Sikap Seorang Entrepreneur
Perguruan Tinggi sebagai Entrepreneurship Center
Experiential Learning based Entrepreneurship
Perkembangan Kewirausahaan
Pekerja vs Pengusaha
Ketua Program Perkuliahan Dasar dan Umum (PPDU) Telkom University
Dra. Endang Budiasih, M.T earned a bachelor's degree at Padjadjaran University, and a master's degree at the Bandung Institute of Technology. Now she teaches at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia. Currently conducting research in the field of Mathematics, Quality Management. In addition, he is currently active in social activities involving community empowerment through Mathematics and Quality Management.
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