Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Mata Kuliah Manajemen Proyek BM63C4 di program Studi S1 Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika, merupakan mata kuliah wajib yang sifatnya spesifik dengan fokus untuk tata kelola manajemen proyek berbasis ICT.
Capaian Pembelajaran
Mata kuliah ini diampu pada semester 5, diharapkan para mahasiswa mampu mengintergrasikan keseluruhan mata kuliah dasar yang sudah dimilikinya, sehingga mampu memberikan nilai tambah yang komprehensif.
Bobot sks : 3
Dosen Pengampu
Soeparwoto Dharmoputra
"Born and raised in the small city of Bojonegoro, East Java Province. This provincial city is known for its motivation and passion for innovation. After studying at SMA Negeri in Bojonegoro, he continued his studies at the Department of Engineering Science at the Bandung Institute of Technology, focusing on the competence of automatic and control process engineering; later this competence as working capital in satellite telecommunications engineering. For the next strata level, continued the study of Telecommunication Business Management at the Technische Universiteit Delf. This business management study was to complete the technical background in order to play a greater role in the technical development and services of TELKOM's telecommunications company in Indonesia at that time.
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