Course to get you started
UIx Introduction to Neurosurgery Free
| 23 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Animal diagnosis and treatment technology Free
| 10 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Basic Chemistry Free
| 1 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Organic Spectroscopic Analysis Free
| 7 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Internal Medicine Free
| 2 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Diagnostics Free
| 2 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Surgery Free
| 3 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Pathology Free
| 1 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Diagnostic Ultrasonography Free
| 4 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Game Psychology Free
| 20 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Principles of Food Technology Free
| 7 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Genetic Engineering Free
| 12 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Introduction to World's Famous Spirits Free
| 4 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Physiology Free
| 15 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Histology and Embryology Free
| 1 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Analytical Chemistry Free
| 14 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Personality Psychology Free
| 34 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Basis and Frontier in Medical Molecular Biology Free
| 34 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Microbiology Free
| 36 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Approaching Nobel Prize in Chemistry Free
| 7 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Ships Free
| 8 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Introducing Marine Engineering Free
| 36 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Food Biochemistry Free
| 60 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Medical Immunology Free
| 61 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学 Free
| 66 Learner(s)Self-Paced -
XuetangX Advancing Molecular Imaging Free
| 21 Learner(s)Self-Paced
All Science Courses (27 courses)
UIx Introduction to Neurosurgery
Module Summary: 1. Discuss the basic scientific aspects of neurosurgery (anamnesis, neurological examination, diagnosis, planning for supporting examinations). 2. Discuss the basics of neurosurgery surgery and its preparation.23 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedUIx Basics of Stereotactic Surgery
basics of installing stereotactic frames to achieve the site and purpose of the procedure (biopsy, craniotomy, functional, radiosurgery) also its advantages and disadvantages20 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Microbiology
Microbes are the most abundant organisms on earth and have great impact on other areas of biology and general human welfare.Who and where are they, what do they do, and...36 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Medical Immunology
Medical immunology is a newly and rapidly developed subject to study the body’s defense against infections at cellular and molecular levels. It forms the basis of the medicine. In this...61 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Diagnostics
Diagnostics is an important course to study and research the fundamental principle, diagnostic methods of the diseases and exercise the basic diagnose skills. It's the bridge of medical groundwork and...2 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Diagnostic Ultrasonography
This course covers the basic and new technology of ultrasound,digestive and urinary systems,gynecology and obstetrics normal ultrasonographic manifestations and typical ultrasonographic images of common diseases,routine operation and skills of interventional...4 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Internal Medicine
Internal medicine is the foundation of various disciplines in clinical medicine. This course covers a wide range of systems including Respirology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Nephrology and Rheumatology. The course...2 Learner(s)FreeInstructor-PacedXuetangX Pathology
World-renowned clinician William Osler called pathology "As is our pathology, so is our medicine", which means pathology is the basis of medicine.Let us walk into the pathology world together to...1 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Surgery
Surgery provides a comprehensive overview of common diseases in thoracic, cardiac, and urological surgery.3 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Personality Psychology
This course aims at teaching the basic concepts, constructs, experiments, figures, and theories of personality psychology. It enables students (1) understand and critically evaluate various personality concepts, constructs, and theories;...34 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Game Psychology
This class is about the psychology of games. It can help designers better design games from the player's psychology. Chinese lectures with English subtitles.20 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Introducing Marine Engineering
The building of a maritime power depends on ships, and the operating of a ship depends on the marine engineering. What powers a ship? How to transport the cargoes? How...36 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Ships
SHIP is a brand new course that combines with the school characteristics under the background of “a community with a shared future for mankind” and “The Belt and Road Initiative.”...8 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry serving as the "scientific eyes" can help us understand the essence of the physical world.14 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Histology and Embryology
"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where are you going? " In the face of a series of questions, let's take you into Histology and Embryology, explore the...1 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Physiology
Physiology, which studies the life activity patterns of the human body and its components, is an important basic course in medicine and a mandatory subject for clinical medicine graduate students...15 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Introduction to World's Famous Spirits
This course is aimed at eight kinds of internationally famous spirits. Brewing method, fermentation process, tasting spirits and historical culture. Knowledge of eight foreign famous wines: Whisky, Vodka, Brandy, Rum,...4 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is changing our lives profoundly. It enables us to design new species, produce biological products and treat diseases by modifying genes. And since genetic engineering is on its...12 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Basic Chemistry
Take you into the chemical world, "quantitative chemical analysis, organic chemistry discovery, chemical experiment exploration, craftsman spirit casting", consolidate the basic knowledge of chemistry, and strengthen the basic operation ability...1 Learner(s)FreeInstructor-PacedXuetangX Approaching Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Numerous scientists have made outstanding achievements in the development of chemistry. The Nobel Prize winners have become a milestone in the history of chemistry, such as van't Hoff, Madame Curie,...7 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Organic Spectroscopic Analysis
Organic spectroscopic analysis (international course)" is a compulsory course for chemistry, biology, pharmacy, materials and other related majors. This on-line course contains twenty-five episodes teaching videos given in English are...7 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Food Biochemistry
“Hunger breeds discontentment”. With the improvement of living standards, more and more attention has been paid to the functions, nutrition and safety of food. The course will lead you to...60 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Basis and Frontier in Medical Molecular Biology
Epigenetics, cell cycle and cell death all play important roles in the tumorigenesis and development. This course organically integrates the related basic concepts, regulatory mechanisms, new application in tumor diagnosis...34 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Advancing Molecular Imaging
Do you know what molecular imaging means? Do you want to see changes in the molecular level of the body in vivo? Do you want to dynamically track the trend...21 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学
This course will answer questions and more with psychology theories.66 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Animal diagnosis and treatment technology
Animals, Approach, Fixation,Diagnosis, Treatment10 Learner(s)FreeSelf-PacedXuetangX Principles of Food Technology
"Food Technology Principles " is a core course for students of food science and engineering,and aimed at the actual needs of industries and practical departments.7 Learner(s)FreeSelf-Paced© 2024 ICE Institute. All rights reserved.