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Medical Imaging



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only
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About This Course

Medical Imaging is a medical specialty that employs the use of imaging techniques like x-ray, computed tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), nuclear imaging and ultrasound, to diagnose and treat diseases and disorders. These imaging modalities have important roles in monitoring treatment and predicting outcome in many conditions. 

With years of development, a high-level discipline of Medical Imaging at Shantou University  Medical College has been established. This is integrated with advanced teaching philosophy, dedicated teachers and state-of-the-art equipments providing high resolution images. In this course, we are committed to offering comprehensive undergraduate teaching in medical imaging which is relevant and updated for current clinical practice. The teaching team consists of senior radiologists and researchers.

Before various modalities of imaging can help you with clinical diagnosis, you should have basic medical knowledge and some clinical experience, then you would be able to differentiate between what is a normal image and what is not. That isn`t as easy as it may sound. Recognizing the difference between normal and abnormal probably takes as much, if not more, practice than diagnosing a complicated clinical case.

The course format includes lecture presentation and self-studies (a self-programmed format whereby the learners review images of clinical cases with answers provided), which will offer learners professional knowledge and imaging skills. The evaluation includes formative and summative assessment. Upon completion of this on-line course, learners are expected to recognize the relative strengths and pitfalls of the various imaging modalities; can propose the optimal imaging choice in problem-solving: indications, sensitivity and specificity, cost-effectiveness in screening and other clinical considerations; and can identify the typical imaging features of common conditions in various systems.


Learners should have basic medical knowledge and some clinical experience.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Yan Lin

My name is Yan Lin, Yan is my given name and Lin is my surname. I am a practicing radiologist, clinical teacher and researcher at the second affiliated hospital of Shantou University Medical College (SUMC), China. I am the vice-chair of the radiology department and radiology residency program director. I was awarded the degree of bachelor and master from SUMC and of PhD in December 2011 from the University of Nottingham, UK. During my doctorate studies, I applied an 7T MRI system to measure the brain metabolic changes due to visual stimulation using 1HMRS. This research work has been published in a high impact journal with my name as the first author. Upon completion of my PhD study in UK, I returned to radiology department Second affiliated hospital of SUMC, and enthusiastically joined the clinical services, residency standardized training program, undergraduate medical imaging teaching and academic research. I have been qualified to receive the title of Chief Radiologist since 2019. SUMC established an English-stream medical program in 2007. I was one of the earliest qualified clinicans to teach in this program. I teach radiology components within various course blocks, including Human Structures, Digestion and Nutrition, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems, etc. My teaching, in a words of our medical students, is “challenging, engaging, enlightening, and greatly satisfying”. I have received the Li Ka Shing Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award and the Third Prize in national English and Chinese teaching contest for young teachers. I have also been showing great commitment to academic research. I am the project investigators of several provincial and national research projects. I am now carrying out NMR-based metabolomics study, to investigate the metabolic “fingerprint”of fecal extracts for routine screening of colorectal cancer. I also have particular interests in the applications of advanced MR imaging modalities including fMRI,DWI,DTI and DKI in human body. I was awarded the junior fellow by ISMRM society in 2017 due to my contribution in the field of MRI. I was also the honoree of the Outstanding Young Talent in Medicine of Guangdong Province in 2018.

Course Staff Image #2

Ruibin Huang

My name is Ruibin Huang, Ruibin is my given name and Huang is my surname. I am a radiologist from the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College. I graduated from Shantou University Medical College in 2013. I have been in diagnostic radiology for 7 years. During the university period, I went to the St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada for exchange study for 2 months in 2011. Now I am focusing on medical imaging of the central nervous system. I am residential and educational secretary, of one the Youth Committee Member of Guangdong Anti-cancer Association, and one of the Member of Graduate Education Group of Guangdong Medical Doctors Association. In 2018, I won the third prize in the Chinese teaching competition for young teachers of shantou university medical college, and the first prize in the all-english teaching competition for teachers of shantou university medical college in 2019.

  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Dec 30, 2026
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Dec 30, 2026
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Health
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