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Dialogue between Chinese and English Classics



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Dialogue between Chinese and English Classics

Introduction: What is Imagery?

Part I (Prof Joan Tang, James Campion)

Unit 1 Great Virtue is Like Water

1.1 Great Virtue is Like Water
Laozi,Dao De Jing
1.2 Time Passes Like Running Water.
Confucius,The Analects ; 
Robert Frost, West-Running Brook
1.3 Symbol of Love
the Book of Songs,Cooing and Wooing
1.4 Symbol of Blocked Love
The Reed, MV《在水一方》
1.5 Symbol of Purifying Soul
Qu Yuan, Water Imagery in Chu Ci,Fisherman
T.S. Eliot, Water Imagery in The Waste Land

Unit 2 The Moon Speaks of My Mind
2.1 Legendry Tales of the Moon
The Book of Songs,the Moon Rises
2.2 Symbol of the Beauty
Ouyang Xiu, The Lantern Festival Night

William Wordsworth, Strange Fits of Passion have I Known
2.3 The Homesick Moon

Li Bai, Thoughts on the Tranquil Night ; Drinking Alone by Moonlight
Li Yu, Joy at Meeting
2.4 Symbol of Impermanence of Life
Su Shi, Prelude to Water Melody
Percy Shelley ,To the Moon
2.5 The Crazy Moon
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Nights Dream

Unit3 Willows Being Fresh and Green
3.1 Gathering Fern from the Book of Songs
3.2 Symbol of Fertility and Renewal
He Zhizhang, The Willow
William Carlos Williams,Willow Poem
3.3 The Symbol of Mourning
Willow Imagery in Shakespeare's Play
3.4 Willow Imagery in Song Lyrics
Liu Yong, Bells Ringing in the Rain

Unit 4 The Good Rain Knows the Season
4.1 Happy Rain Moistens Silently
Du Fu, Happy Rain on a Spring Night
Emily Dickinson, Summer Shower
4.2 Sad Rain and Calmness Rain
Li Shangying, Written on a Rainy Night to My Wife in the North
Wang wei, Autumn Evening in the Mountains
4.3 Rain in Different Ages of Life
Jiang jie, Listening to the Rain
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the Rainy Day

Part II (Doctor Lin Xuewei, James Campion)
Unit 5 Becoming Butterfly
5.1 Illusory Dreams
Zhuangzi, On the Equality of Things
Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca
5.2 Dancing Butterflies
Du Fu, Enjoying Flowers Walking Alone on a Riverbank
William Williams, To the Butterfly
5.3 Tragedy of Love
The Story of Liang Zhu
John Luther Long, Madame Butterfly

Unit 6 Phoenixes in Flight
6.1The Cultural Origins
Phoenix in Chinese Literature
Phoenix in the Ancient West
6.2 Phoenix Seeking His Mate
Sima Xiangru's Phoenix Seeking His Mate
6.3 Phoenix Raising from the Ashes
William Shakespeare, Phoenix and Turtle

Unit 7 Cuckoo Crying Blood
7.1 Amorous Heart Pours in Cuckoo's Cry
Cuckoo Crying Blood
Li Shangyin, Jinse
7.2 Spring Birds
Lu You, Singing Cuckoo
William Wordsworth, To the Cuckoo
7.3 The Spirits of Flowers and Birds
Cao Xueqing, Elegy on Flower
Oscar Wilde, The Nightingale and the Rose

Part III. (Prof. Ruoqian Pu, James Campion)
Unit 8 Ezra Pound and Classical Chinese Poetry
8.1 Pound and Chinese Culture
8.2 Pound's Translations of Classical Chinese Poetry

Unit 9 Gary Snyder and Cold Mountain Poems
9.1 Gary Snyder and Cold Mountain Poetry
9.2 Snyder's Translation of Cold Mountain Poetry
9.3 Zen Buddhism and Snyder's Poetic Creation

Unit 10 Chinese American Poet Marilyn Chin and Classical Chinese Poetry

10.1 Introduction to Chinese American Poetry
10.2 Marilyn Chin and Her Poetry
10.3 A Comparative Study of Marilyn Chin and Cai Yan's Poems


Course Staff

Joan Tang

Professor, master tutor and Vice Dean in Department of English Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Jinan University. She has been a reporter, translator, deputy producer of English news for Guangdong TV, and director of the English Department of Jinan University. She has published more than 10 CSSCI papers, won many teaching awards, and guided students to win more than 20 academic competition awards.

Ruoqian Pu

Doctor of Literature, Professor of the Department of English Language and Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Jinan University, doctoral tutor of Comparative Literature and World Literature, Master tutor of English Language and Literature, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department and Dean of the School of Japan, Jinan University. She has been focusing on Asian/Chinese American literature research and overseas Chinese poetics research. She has published more than 70 academic papers in domestic and foreign academic journals, published many monographs, and presided over more than 10 projects.

Xuewei Lin

Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Jinan University. Master of Education from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Doctor of Translation Studies from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. She went to University College London to study for one year under the Joint Doctoral Training Fund of the China Scholarship Council. She has won prizes in several teaching competitions.

James Alexander Campion

Lecturer, School of Language and Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. He graduated from Lancaster University with a Master's degree in linguistics. He has been a lecturer at the School of English Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies since 2014. He has also taught English, linguistics and psychology part-time at institutions such as Jinan University and consulates.

Xiaoyu Liu

Teaching assistant. Master degree candidate of Department of English Language and Literature, Jinan University.


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  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Jan 13, 2024
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Jan 13, 2024
  6. Language

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  11. Culture and Humanities
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