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Music makes one healthy



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


“Music makes one healthy” for college students is an original network micro-course that uses music therapy as the theoretical basis to promote the physical and mental health of college students with music. The course takes college students’ daily needs for music as the themes, letting students realize that music not only makes us feel happy and relaxed, but also, more importantly, promotes our physical and mental health.  The course is divided into fifteen lectures, each of which is a carefully selected theme that closely related to the needs of college students in every aspect of daily study and life. All the themes are not only easy and fun, but also innovative and of practical meanings.


Some knowledge of music therapy and music appreciation


Master of Music Therapy ,16 years of undergraduate teaching,Won the first prize of provincial aesthetic education several times.The "Music and Health" course won the Silver Award for the most loved by the learners in the  high-quality online courses selection of the 2019 "MOOC China Cup".


  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Dec 29, 2026
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Dec 29, 2026
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Instructor Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Health
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