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The Compositions and Conducts of Experimental Ink Art



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Hua Jun:

China Academy of Art - Vice President of the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art

1985.09 - 1989.07 Attended Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Secondary School (Secondary School)

1990.09 - 1994.07 Studied at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Chinese Painting, majoring in figure (undergraduate)

1997.08 - 2001.06 Studied at the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (MA)

2003.09 - 2006.06 Studied at the Department of Calligraphy, China Academy of Fine Arts (Ph.D.)

Taught at Stockholm University, Sweden, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts Now he is a doctor, professor, master's supervisor, and deputy director of the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art at the China Academy of Art.

Zhang Hao:

China Academy of Art - Professor, School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art

Graduated from the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1985, now the China Academy of Art, and stayed on as a teacher in the same year.

From 2002 to 2012, he was the headmaster of the China Academy of Fine Arts Secondary School. 2012 to the present, he teaches at the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art.

Song Kaizhi:

China Academy of Art - School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, Director of the General Teaching and Research Department, Department of Chinese Painting, Member of the Communist Party of China, Teacher of the Department of Chinese Painting, China Academy of Art, Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Member of the Xiling Seal Engravers' Society


第一章、绪论(Chapter I. Introduction)主讲教师:张浩(Lecturer: Prof. Zhang Hao)

绪论1、辉煌的古代水墨绘画(1、The Splendid Tradition of Ink Painting

绪论2、走向当代的水墨艺术(2、The Ink Art of Contemporary Era

第二章、 简与繁(Chapter II. Simplicity and Elaboration)

主讲教师:宋开智(Lecturer: Song Kaizhi)

第1讲、潘天寿的艺术特色与艺术成就(1、Pan Tianshou’s Style and Achievements

第2讲、潘天寿的至“简”美学(2、Pan Tianshou’s Aesthetic of Simplicity

第3讲、潘天寿“简”的笔墨构成与实践 (一)(3、The Construct of Pian Tianshou’s Use of Brush and Ink and His Practices (I)

第4讲、潘天寿“简”的笔墨构成与实践 (二)(4、 The Construct of Pian Tianshou’s Use of Brush and Ink and His Practices (II)

第5讲、黄宾虹的艺术特色——“繁”的视觉印象(5、 Huang Binhong’s Style: The Visual of Elaboration

第6讲、黄宾虹“繁”的用笔程式——“五笔”的实践与分析(6、 Huang Binhong’s Elaboration on the Use of the Brush: The Application and Analysis of the Five Brushstroke Types

第7讲、黄宾虹“繁”的水墨结构——“七墨法“分析及运用 (一)(7、 Huang Binhong’s Elaboration on the Ink Structure: The Application and Analysis of the Seven Types of Ink (I)

第8讲、黄宾虹“繁”的水墨结构——“七墨法“分析及运用 (二)(8、 Huang Binhong’s Elaboration on the Ink Structure: The Application and Analysis of the Seven Types of Ink (II)

第三章、 破与立(Chapter III. Revolution and Progression)

主讲教师:张浩(Lecturer: Prof. Zhang Hao)

第1讲、林风眠(一)20世纪现代水墨绘画的开创者 (I. Lin Fengmian (I): The Explorers of the Ink Painting in the 20th Century

第2讲、林风眠(二)伟大心灵的水墨新世界 (2. Lin Fengmian (II): The New Ink World of a Great Mind

第3讲、林⻛眠水墨形式的分析与体验 (3. Lin Fengmian (III): The Analysis and Interpretations of Lin Fengmian’s Ink Art

第4讲、吴冠中(一)现代水墨新开篇 (4. Wu Guanzhong (I): A New Chapter of Modern Ink Painting

第5讲、吴冠中(二)不负丹⻘ (5. Wu Guanzhong (II): Live Up To the Painting

第6讲、吴冠中水墨形式的分析与体验(6. Wu Guanzhong (III): The Analysis and Interpretations of Wu Guanzhong’s Ink Art

第四章、身体与空间(Chapter IV: The Body and the Space)

主讲教师:花俊(Lecturer: Prof. Hua Jun )

第1讲、王冬龄的实验性水墨艺术(一)(1、Wang Dongling’s Experiments in Ink Art (I)

第2讲、王冬龄的实验性水墨艺术(二)(2、Wang Dongling’s Experiments in Ink Art (II)

第3讲、中国书画艺术的笔法特色(一)(3、The Use of the Brush in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting (I)

第4讲、中国书画艺术的笔法特色(二)(4. The Use of the Brush in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting (II)

第五章、形式与意象(Chapter V: Forms and Reflections:)

主讲教师:花俊(Lecturer: Prof. Hua Jun )

第1讲、谷文达的实验性水墨艺术(一)(1、Gu Wenda’s Experimental Ink Art (I)

第2讲、谷文达的实验性水墨艺术(二)(2、Gu Wenda’s Experimental Ink Art (II)

第3讲、实验性墨法(一)(3、The Experimental Ink Methods (I)

第4讲、实验性墨法(二)(4、The Experimental Ink Methods (II)

  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Dec 29, 2026
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Dec 29, 2026
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Culture and Humanities
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