About this Course
Customary law is essentially a habit that is carried out repeatedly from generation to generation which then becomes the norm and becomes a guideline for life for members of the community which in its development is obeyed and sanctions are imposed if it is not obeyed. Therefore, customary law was born, grew and developed in Indonesian society and is one of the positive, unwritten laws, that is still recognized, maintained and used to this day.
Learning Outcomes
In 8 sessions we will discuss about:
- Fundamentals Principles of Customary Law
- History of Customary Law
- Law About Individuals and Families
- Customary Marriage Law
- Customary Inheritance Law
- Customary Land Law
- Customary Criminal Law
- The Existence of Customary Law in National Law
This course will equip students with the ability to understand customary law in Indonesia, both in the historical context and the various types of customary law that apply in each region as well as the existence of customary law in the national legal order.
For this reason, students will discuss material related to the topics that are the object of discussion. Learning outcomes assessments are carried out for Final Examination. Tutorial activities for 8 sessions will be filled with discussions 8 times, then formative tests at each session and at sessions 3, 5, and at session 7 assignments will be given, and at session 8 a summative test will be carried out.
Thus, we hope that students can take the tutorial for this course seriously.
A. Rachmat Wirawan, S.H., M.H.
Meet A. Rachmat Wirawan, or Rawi as he is affectionately known, a highly accomplished law lecturer at Universitas Terbuka. Rawi has an impressive educational background, having completed his law education and master's degree in law from the prestigious Hasanuddin University. His expertise in customary law, Islamic law, and criminal law is second to none, making him a highly sought-after mentor and lecturer in the field of law. His vast knowledge and experience make him an invaluable asset to the academic community. If you're looking to pursue a career in law, Rawi is the mentor you need to guide you toward success.
Course's Feedback
1 assessment(s)