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Nanofibers in Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery System



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module introduction

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Nanofibers in Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery System course. 

As the class instructor, I am thrilled to welcome you to this module and am excited to have you as participants. I wish you the very best in your studies and hope this course challenges you to expand your knowledge and skills. Offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Indonesia, this course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the Nanofibers technology in pharmaceutical drug delivery. This course will give you a deeper understanding on the significant advancement of nanofibers system in pharmaceutical drug delivery for enhancement the efficacy and control of medication release.

To join this course, you are expected to have a background in medical/pharmaceutical/life sciences. The class is presented in English and shall be completed within 5 weeks, each 30 minutes. At the end of each section, you will have to answer short quizzes and reach a minimum score of 60 to pass this module. All content within this MOOCs course is protected by copyright for personal intended use only.

I encourage you to engage fully with the content and discussions, as your active participation will be key to your success. Please kindly watch this introduction video to get a full understanding on the topic. Hope you having a pleasant learning experience in the class, and good luck!


apt. Fatimah., MSc., PhD

([email protected])

Instructor's Short Biography

apt. Fatimah, MSc., PhD was born in Palembang on July 26th, 1991. She graduated from the University of Indonesia in 2012 for her degree in Bachelor in Pharmacy, and the Pharmacy Professional Degree (Apoteker) the following year. Pursuing her dream, she obtained the Masters Degree at the University College London School of Pharmacy in 2015, and continued for her doctoral degree at the same university with the dissertation title, "Electrospining of Stimuli-Responsive Nanofibers for Advanced Drug Delivery" under the supervision of Prof. Gareth R. Williams. 

Since 2023, Fatimah joined the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia as a permanent faculty member. Her research interests include (but not limited to) nanomedicine, electrospun nanofibers, polymer science for advanced and controlled drug delivery system.


  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Feb 3, 2026
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Feb 3, 2026
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Health
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