About Course
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Allergy Skin Testing course. We are excited about your presence and looking forward to your participation in the learning community of this class.
In this course, you will learn about various diseases that require allergy skin testing and the procedures to identify the cause of the diseases. The scope includes standardized skin prick tests, skin patch test with standardized allergens, skin prick test for drug allergy, and skin patch test for drug allergy. After completing this course, we hope that you will be able to understand well about various diseases that require skin testing and techniques to diagnose the diseases.
Course Staff
Windy Keumala Budianti, PhD, MD
Endi Novianto, PhD, MD
Eyleny Meisyah Fitri, MD
we are consultant of Dermato-Allergo-Immunology
Course's Feedback
1 assessment(s)