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Functional Activity and Recreation



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Welcome to the Functional Activity and Recreation course and I hope you will have fun joining with other students. We are excited about your presence and look forward to participating in this class's learning community.

Before starting your learning journey, you must learn about this course through the Teaching Textbook. During the study, the materials have been prepared and there are evaluations that are necessary for you to pass this course.

Open a discussion forum that has been prepared to discuss the teaching materials in class with your peer. You can also ask in the forum. If you experience technical problems related to the MOOCs system, please report your situation to the Learner Help Center or contact the Helpdesk via LiveChat in ICEI during working hours Monday - Friday at 08.30 - 17.00 WIB or email [email protected]

About This Course

This free course will provide a learning experience that allows the participants to apply the concepts, evaluations, and practices of functional and recreational activities in the given conditions appropriately according to the guidelines for global recommendations on physical activity for health developed by WHO. The learning methods used in this course are cooperative learning, collaborative learning, and case-based learning. This course uses the English language. The media technology used is IDOLS. The implemented MOOC Learning mode is self-paced learning. This non-credit course can be taken by anyone (non-degree). The estimated duration is 20 hours. 

Bachelor Degree

Credit: 3

Requirements : No; prerequisite course, needs Internet access

course will start at 10 of October 2023 and end at 1 January; 2023 (14 sections or weeks).

However  participant; can complete the course earlier before; the schedule, if; he/she can meet all the requirement of the materials earlier. 

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, student are:
a) able to explain the basic concepts of functional and recreational activities 
b) apply the concepts, evaluations, and practices of functional and recreational activities in the given conditions appropriately according to the Global recommendations on physical activity for health developed by WHO. (C3, A3)

Course Staff


AnaTriana Karnadipa, S.Ft., Physio., MSc in Physiotherapy 


iyusDr Yulius Eka Agung Seputra, SAk, ST, MSi, cert.DA

[email protected] / [email protected]


Dr. Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,SAk,ST, MSi., is a lecturer from Vocational Program Universitas Indonesia. He got  Electrical Engineering degree from Universitas Indonesia in 1999 and gained Master of Science at University of Indonesia in 2004.He finished his Accounting Degree, Magister Economic Degree Doctorate degree and Doctoral in 2022 with a Dissertation about the Stock, Forex and Crypto Analysis using Artificial Intelligence. His interest is in Information System, Neuro Program and Telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence ,accounting and finance, business,  and governance. He also teach in main accounting subjects such as Accounting Theory, Cost & Management Accounting, International Business, Corporate Governance. 


Interest        :  Artificial Inteligence, Computer, Telemedicine, Accounting, Financial accounting.
Education    :  1999 Sarjana Teknik Universitas Indonesia      Indonesia
    2000 Master of Material Science Universitas Indonesia   Indonesia
    2014 Sarjana Akuntansi MBI Indonesia
    2018 Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Borobudur Indonesia
Publication  :  1 Analisis Saham berbasis kecerdasan Tiruan
    2 Analisis Kripso berbasis Algoritma Genetika
    3 Buku Dasar Akuntansi Berbantuan Komputer, Kanisius
    4 Buku Audit Berbantuan Komputer, Gavamedia
    5 Pengantar Organisasi dan perilaku perusahaan, Graha Ilmu
    6 Analisis Forex menggunakan ANFIS
    7 Aplikasi Audit berbasis Web
    8 Aplikasi Keuangan YES
    9 Aplikasi Smart Trading YES



1 Section 1-Basic Concepts of Functional Activity and Recreation

2 Section 2-Concepts of Functional Activity and Recreation

3 section 3 - Step Functional Activity and Recreation

4 section 4 - Ethics in Functional Activity and Recreation

5 Section 5 - Basic Contracts (Aqad) in Islamic Business

6 Section 6 - Form of Business

7 section 7 - Development of Functional Activity and Recreation

8 Midterm Examination

9 Section 8 - Functional Activity and Recreationvalue chain

10 Section 9 - Functional Activity and Recreation industry

11 Section 10 - Functional Activity and RecreationEntrepreneurship

12 Section 11 - Marketing Functional Activity and Recreation

13 Section 12 - Functional Activity and Recreation study case

14 Section 13 - Functional Activity and Recreation strategic management

15 Section 14 - Quiz

16 Final Examination






  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Dec 31, 2024
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Dec 31, 2024
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Health
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