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Strengthening Hospital Governance: Urgency, Opportunities and Challenges



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Course Introduction

This course will help you get to know the concept of hospital administration, understand the hospital strategy for the INA-CBGs payment system, be able to set indicators of success in achieving hospital strategy, develop quality management in hospitals, and understand the cycle and function of medicine logistics at hospitals.

Master’s degree
Credit: 2

Requirements: No; prerequisite course, needs Internet access. 

This English-language MOOCs will be run in Self-Paced mode. The method used is Asynchronous through this MOOCs.

However, participants; can complete the course earlier than the schedule, if he/she can meet all the requirements of the materials earlier. 

In each learning session, you will have access to a variety of materials including text, videos, and discussion forums to enhance your learning experience. And don't forget about the quizzes to make sure you're truly mastering the material. Sounds like you'll have all the tools you need to succeed in this course.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students are:

  • a) able to explain philosophy, concepts, and management in the context of hospital administration
  • b) able to understand the hospital's strategy in paying INA-CBGs
  • c) able to apply cascading in determining indicators of success in achieving hospital strategies using the Balanced Score Cards approach
  • d) able to explain concepts, applications, processes, and indicators of quality management in hospitals
  • e) able to explain the concepts and processes of planning, receiving, storing, distributing, and controlling drugs in hospitals 


Teaching Staffs:

Dr. Ede Surya Darmawan, S.K.M, M.D.M

email: [email protected] 

Department of Administration and Health Policy, Public Health Faculty, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia. 

Since joining as a lecturer at Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Ede has been conducting many research and publications in the public health field. Dr. Ede has been working as a lecturer at Universitas Indonesia, teaching fields: O&M, health system, health administration policy, community empowerment, and primary health care. Dr. Ede has also served as President of the Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI). His big interest in research and community engagement activities is in the area of Health System, Policy Development in Local Governments, and Healthcare Services Management. All his activities made his network very strong with many stakeholders such as several Ministries in Indonesia (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Domestic Affairs, BAPPENAS, Family Planning Agency), WHO, UNDP, AusAID, UNICEF, USAID, GFATM, and many local governments in various provinces and districts in Indonesia.


2. Dr. Atik Nurwahyuni, S.K.M, MPH

email: [email protected]

Dr. Atik is well-known for her specialty in Diagnosis-related groups (DRG) and cost accounting in health care services. She has conducted research and delivered some courses/ training about DRG and healthcare financing since 2006. She also has been Vice Chairman of Health Working Group, National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in 2010-2012. She also became a Member of the National Casemix Center (INA-CBG Pricing Team) Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia 2012-2015. Dr. Atik graduated from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia with a concentration in Hospital Management for her bachelor's degree (2000). Then in 2004, she received her Master's degree in health Economics and Health Insurance, from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, and she received her doctoral degree in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health in 2015. Dr. Atik is now teaching Cost Accounting in Health Care Service, Health Economics, Principle of Health Insurance, Social Health Insurance, and Health Care Provider Payment System.


3. Prof. Dr. dra. Dumilah Ayuningtyas, MARS

email: [email protected]

Prof. Dumilah is a lecturer and researcher from the Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. She got her doctoral degree in politics and health policy from the Universitas Indonesia and her master's degree in hospital administration from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. As a lecturer, she teaches Health Policy, Health Policy Analysis, Strategic Planning for Health Care, Strategic Leadership, and System Thinking. Her research focuses on Politics and Health Policy, Hospital Management, Health System, and Human Resources Management, including Human Health Resources in the Border Area. Her other research interests include leadership and community empowerment/participatory and qualitative methodology. Prof. Dumilah is also involved in health policy development and advocacy activities as a consultant. Her performance in health policy has been proven by the liveliness of her writing, publications, research, health policy, and support program as resource persons in training, workshops, seminars, and conferences. She has published many articles related to those topic areas in national and international scientific journals as well as scientific books. She published four books and contributed to several book chapters in public health, which became the teaching materials in many respectable universities across Indonesia. The ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement and the Journal of Public Health (KESMAS) are two journals under her supervision and review. Prof. Dumilah also received a notable amount of research grants both at the national and international levels, allowing various public health projects to be implemented.


4. Dr. Puput Oktamianti, S.K.M, M.M

email: [email protected]

Dr. Puput completed her bachelor's degree in public health in 2002 at the Faculty of Public Health and her Master's in Management at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. He has served as teaching staff in the Department of Health Policy Administration, Faculty of Public Health, UI since 2006, specifically on the subject of Hospital Quality Management, Strategic Management of Health Service Quality, and Quality Control of Health Services. She is also a consultant in various agencies such as the Department of Health, Hospital, BPOM, Regency, and GIZ in terms of quality control, such as the development of Department of Health performance indicators. 



5. Helen Andriani, S.Si, Apt, M.Sc, Ph.D

email: [email protected]

Dr. Helen graduated as a Pharmacist from the School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2007), a master's degree (M.Sc) in Healthcare Administration, College of Medical and Health Science, Asia University, Taiwan (2010), and completed a Doctoral degree in the Institute of Public Health, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan (2015). As one of the Associate Professors at the Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Helen has published peer-reviewed scientific articles in International Scopus Indexed Journals and graduate textbooks (Scopus h-index = 5, ORCID: 0000-0001-5057-0851). In scientific writing and publications, she received an Award for a High-Quality Scientific Article in the Health and Medicine Category, from the Directorate of Intellectual Property Management, Deputy in Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (2020). She also has experience as an oral presenter at various International Public Health Conferences. Her current research interests include the continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health, tobacco control policies, health logistics management, hospital pharmacy administration, and non-communicable diseases.


  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Nov 1, 2024
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Nov 1, 2024
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Health
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