About This Course
This course encompasses English materials covered within familiar topics in nursing context which is addressed to students whose level of ability are in the beginning of comprehending the main points of conversations and producing simple expressions. It is designed to help students to be able to communicate in English at basic operational level and to improve their English mastery.
This course can be followed by Nursing study program students.
Credit = 2 SKS
Learning Outcome
- Identify language expressions used in model dialogues with patients and fellow health professions thoroughly and earnestly
- Discuss model dialogues with an open mind about asking for and giving information with patients and fellow health professions
- Practice model dialogues about asking for and giving information with patients and fellow health professions responsibly
- Plan their own dialogues about asking for and giving information with patients and fellow health professions commitedly
- Produce their own dialogue holistically about asking for and giving information with patients and fellow health professions
- Demonstrate integrity and honesty their dialogues about asking for and giving information with patients and fellow health professions