Selamat Datang di Mata Kuliah Financial Risk Management
Universitas Penyelenggara: Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH)
Karakteristik Mata Kuliah : Self Paced
Rencana waktu untuk menyelesaikan modul: 8 minggu
Kode Matakuliah : MGT0004
Bidang Ilmu Mata Kuliah: Management
Kode Versi Pengembangan Mata Kuliah: 0101004_MGT
Jenjang : Strata 1
Syarat Mata Kuliah: -
Vina C Nugroho
Email : [email protected]
Work Experience :
- 012 – 2016 : Relationship Manager PT Bank Hana Indonesia
- 2017- now : Finance Lecturer FEB UPH
- 2013: Holding Risk Management Certification –from Banking Professional Certification Agency (LSPP)
Learning Objectives
Understand basic risk management from individual’s perspective, company’s, bank’s and Investor’s Perspective.
To guide students about calculating risk in a basic level.
To forecast, calculate and prevent any risk (predictable or unpredictable risk)
1st : Many Types of Financial Risk
2nd : Financial Disaster
3rd : General Principles in Financial Risk
4th : How To Calculate Var?
5th : Meausurement of Credit Risk
6th : Stress Testing using Regression
Allen, Steven.(2013). Financial Risk Management 2nd Edition : A Pracitioner's Guide to Managing Market and Credit Risk. Canada : John Wiley & Sons.