About This Course:
In this course, students will be able to understand various conditions in businesses specifically owned by family, thinking and acting upon those conditions in order to create a more successful and sustainable family business. This course is created for both students with or without family business backgrounds. In the beginning of this course, students will be exposed to the differences between professional and family run companies. Students will also need to know why and how to manage various challenges, issues, and conflicts in family business. Along the course, students will know how to manage family business in a broader sense by acknowledging elements in family business and create steps to act upon those elements. Transition of power in family business succession will be addressed to make students aware on these matters. At the end of the course, students will be gain a global perspective: The interaction between globalization, cultures, and nationalities to family business..
Bachelor Degree
Credits: 3 Indonesian Credit System
Learning Objectives:
- Students are able to understand and explain the uniqueness of family business.
- Students comprehend the complex issues and challenges faced by family businesses.
- Students apprehend the complex situations to utilize structural planning to diminish them.
- Students extend their knowledge and understanding to nurture the next generations for succession.
Modul 1 : Why is Family Business unique?
- Understanding Family Business
- Family Business Life Cycle
Modul 2 : Issues and Challenges in Family Business Management
- External and Internal Challenges in Family Business
- Conflict in Family Business
- Trust and Commitment in Family Business
- Key Nonfamily Management
Modul 3 : How to Minimize the Issues and Challenges?
- Family Business Governance
- Managing Communication Between Family
Modul 4 : How to Nurture Succession for Longevity?
- Succession
- Succession and Transfer of Power
Dr. Jacob Donald Tan, B.B.A., M.B.A.
Dr. Jacob Donald Tan, B.B.A., M.B.A. is a Lecturer in Management Studies Program. He teaches Family Business courses; Introduction to Entrepreneurship New Business Development; Professionalism in Entrepreneurship; Creativity-Innovation-Design; Strategic Management. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Dallas Baptist University and a doctorate from Pelita Harapan University.
Work Experience:
- International Student Specialist (Dallas Baptist University)
- Assistant Property Manager(T.K. Eng & Asscoaites Investment Group)
- Head of Department of Social Sciences (IPEKA International School)
- Business Manager (Springfield International School)
- School Director (Global Nusantara)
- Chief Officer (Dewan Studi New South Wales)
- Director (Commerce Company)
- RMIT Program Manager (UPH-RMIT)
- Deputy Head of Department (MM UPH)
- Head of program (S1 UPH)
- Family Business Consultant
PWC’s Family Business Survey 2018 Findings for Indonesia.
Family Business Life Cycle-Kloppers, a South Africa family business.
Cesaroni, Francesca Maria and Annalisa Sentuti. “Women and the Family Business: When Women are Left Only Minor Roles“. The History of the Family 19 (2014): 358-379.
Jimenez, Rocio Martinez. “Research on Women in Family Firms: Current Status and Future Directions”. Family Business Review 22 (2009): 53-64.
Bjursell, C and L. Backvall. “Family Business Women in media Discourse: the Business Role and the Mother Role”. Journal of Family Business Management 1 (2011): 154-173.
Mackie, J.A.C “Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship”. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 6 (1992): 41-64.
Carney, Michael “Minority Family Business in Emerging Markets: Organization Forms and Competitive Advantage”. Family Business Review 20 (2007): 289-300.
Tan, J. D., & Levin, L. (2021). The Next Step: Innovate or Bust, the Chinese-Indonesian Succession Challenge in Family Business. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18(1), 89-102.
Tan, J. D., Sugiarto, S., & Budhijono, F. (2021). Family Business and Risk Management: Perspectives of SMEs Entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(5), 851-861.
Jaffe, Dennis T. and Sam H. Lane. “Sustaining a Family Dynasty: Key Issues facing a Complex Multigenerational Business and Investment Owning Families”. Family Business Review 17 (2004): 81-98.
Tan, J. D., Supratikno, H., Pramono, R., Purba, J. T., & Bernarto, I. (2019). Nurturing transgenerational entrepreneurship in ethnic Chinese family SMEs: exploring Indonesia. Journal of Asia Business Studies.
Course's Feedback
6 assessment(s)