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Information Technology for Higher Education



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

Course Description 

Currently, information technology is very much needed in the implementation in universities in the face of the digital world. 

In an international conference sponsored by UNESCO, a speaker opened his presentation with an intriguing question: "If the concept of the Internet was  first introduced to the world before the concept of school, would the form of higher education be like today? . This nosy question made most of conference attendees gasped, because it implied a philosophical meaning. What is the speaker trying to convey?

In his book "Growing Up Digital", Don Tapscott vividly illustrates the difference between babies who were born after 2000 with the previous. Those who were born before 2000 know computers and information technology only after they are adult or at least when they enter the age of puberty. It means that this generation has experienced education at schools as the previous generations, before the digital computer tools were involved as part of the learning support technology. Therefore a number of technology practitioners
called this generation as "Digital Immigrant".

They certainly imagine a school that is free of paper, with full utilization of the internet, rich learning resources and based on multimedia, teachers that are varied, as well as a fun learning process. Back to the question asked by the speaker earlier. If an elementary school student entrant - who were born after 1990 has such perceptions and views to a normal school, how would it be in the future if he has be come a university student candidate? What kind of campus that he longs for and expects? If it is thought of seriously, the answer to this question is actually the meaning or strategic role of ICT for higher education!

The Information Security Course consists of 8 sessions where in 1 session, students can study for 1 week using the Self Paced method.

Bachelor Degree

Credit : 3    

Learning Outcomes

  • Explaining the Strategic Role of ICE in Education World
  • Describe the ICT Context in Higher Education
  • Describe the Architecture Framework of ICT System in Campus
  • Identify Performance Measurement of ICE in Higher Education
  • Explaining how implementaion the concept initiatives of open education


  • Strategic Role of ICE in Education World
  • ICT Context in Higher Education
  • Architecture Framework of ICT System in Campus
  • Performance Measurement of ICE in Higher Education
  • ICT Governance Management in Higher Education
  • E-Literacy: Instilling the culture of ICT Utilization in Campus
  • Information Technology and 21st Century Education Paradigm
  • Open-courseware and Property of Internet Content
  • Concept initiatives of open education
  • Evaluation instrument of information technology adoption



Prof. Dr. Ir. Richarus Eko Indrajit

Prof. Dr. Ir. Richarus Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA

Lecturer Profile :

Eko Indrajit studied at the Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia. He continued his education at various universities abroad such as Harvard University (United States), Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands), Leicester University (UK), STIKOM London School of Public Relations (Indonesia), and Master of Information Technology Swiss-German. University (Indonesia). He obtained a Doctor of Business Administration degree from the University of the City of Manyla (Philippines) and The University of Information Technology and Management (Poland). He was confirmed as a professor in the field of Computers at the Perbanas Institute.



Erick Dazki, S.Kom., M.Kom


Lecturer Assistant Profile :

Erick Dazki, An active lecturer at Pradita University since 2018. Undergraduate education at ABFII Perbanas Jakarta. Then he continued his education in Master of Informatics Engineering at Amikom University Yogyakarta.

  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

    Feb 6, 2024
  3. Enrollment End

    Jun 30, 2024
  4. Class Start

    Feb 6, 2024
  5. Class End

    Dec 28, 2024
  6. Estimated Effort

  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. IT
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