Credits: 3 (3-0) Course
Prerequisites: Macroeconomics Theory and Microeconomics Theory
Course Category: Foundation Course (FC)
Information on Teaching Process: only lecturing, no tutorial/ Assistance
Course Description:
This course discusses topics related to Islamic development economics, scope, concept, and analytical framework of Sharia development economics, theories of Sharia development economics, components in the Sharia development as well as problems, obstacles, and basic policies.
Student's Experience After Completing the Course:: After completing this course, students will be able to apply comprehensively the concept of Islamic Development Economics into daily activities as well as into the simulation of construction of government policies and regulation related to Sharia development economics.
Number of Section: 4 Sections (including 1 section for introduction, 14 chapters of learning, 2 Exams, 4 Quizzes, and 11 assigments)
Relevant Other Courses: Islamic Microeconomics, Islamic Macroeconomics, Islamic Social Economics and Finance, Islamic Financial Institutions, Fiqh Muamalat, Islamic Financial Planning, Management from Islamic Perspective.
Credential: This course is offered for students outside IPB University.
Coordinator: Dr. Ir. Resfa Fitri, M.PL.St.
Email: [email protected]
Class Communication: Forum Discussion in ICE Platform
Delivery Method: Collaborative Learning (Problem Based Learning): PBL1 (Chapter 1-7); PBL2 (Chapter 8-14)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After completing this course, students are expected to be able :
CLO1 : to describe the importance of development economics
CLO2 : to describe the concept and theory, measurement, and analytical framework of sharia development economics processes.
CLO3 : to link the concept and theory of sharia development economics to the real development processes including how to solve problems and obstacles.
CLO4 : to apply the principles of sharia economics development theories / concept in the daily life as well as in the case of related government's policies and programs.
Course Topics:
1. Problem Based Learning 1: Concept of Islamic Development Economics:
- Konsep dasar ekonomi pembangunan dalam Islam
- Konsep pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan dalam perspektif Islam
- Konsep distribusi dan kesenjangan menurut perspektif ekonomi syariah
- Konsep kemiskinan menurut perspektif ekonomi syariah
- Konsep Ekonomi Politik Syariah
- Konsep alat ukur kemiskinan dari perspektif ekonomi syariah
- Model CIBEST
Problem Based Learning 2: The implementation of Islamic Development Economics.
- Peran negara dalam pembangunan ekonomi berdasarkan sudut pandang ekonomi syariah
- Peran swasta dalam pembangunan ekonomi berdasarkan sudut pandang ekonomi syariah
- SDM dalam pembangunan ekonomi Islam
- Permasalahan umum dalam perekonomian
- Sumber pembiayaan syariah
- Waqaf, sukuk, instrumen aset strategis dan instrumen hutang negara
- Inklusi keuangan
Learning Pathways
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All students must register in this ICE. All personal data uploaded in this ICE is confidential and is only used for the objection of course activities.
Collaborative Learning Design
Problem Based Learning 1 (PBL-1) Design
The PBL-1 activity provides students with knowledge on concept of development economics and Islamic development economics, as well as the concept of measurement. In this section, student will discuss several topics related to the concept of development economics such as economic growth and prosperity, distribution and gaps, poverty, as well as political economy based on Islamic perspective. There are also topics on poverty measurement tool and Islamic poverty index (Model CIBEST). The PBL1 will improve student's critical analysis, collaboration, and communication skills as well as creativity which will be beneficial to their future career.
Problem Based Learning 2 (PBL-2) Design
The PBL-2 activity provides students with knowledge and skill on the implementation of Islamic Economic Development concept in real development process including in the Government programs and activities. The topics range from the role of public and private sectors in development, as well as the Human Resources condition. Sources of funds also need to be discussed as well as problems encountered in the process of development. The PBL-2 will also improve student's critical analysis, collaboration, and communication skills as well as creativity which will be beneficial to their future career.
The Instructors