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Building and Managing Businesses in the Age of Tourism and Technology



Enrollment in this course is by invitation only
Material Only

About This Programme

Do you dream of launching a groundbreaking tourism or tech venture, but feel lost in the jungle of business planning? This course is your compass! We'll equip you with the essential skills to navigate the exciting intersection of tourism and technology.

Imagine crafting a winning business strategy from scratch. You'll demystify the business model canvas, specifically designed for tourism and tech ventures. Learn to map out your goals, identify key components, and develop a winning roadmap for success. We'll then guide you in transforming your brilliant idea into a comprehensive business plan. Hone your communication skills to become a hospitality pro, mastering the English language used throughout the global tourism industry.  Ready to expand your customer reach? Gain an optional yet valuable understanding of Indonesian cuisine, a powerful tool to attract both local and international audiences. Finally, explore how ethical and sustainable practices fuel long-term success in tourism, ensuring your business thrives for years to come.  Enroll today and turn your vision into reality!

What You Learn?

  • how you can explore the goals and components of a business model designed specifically for tourism and technology businesses. You will learn to develop your winning strategy from the start.
  • Develop a comprehensive business plan that brings your tourism or technology-based business idea to life.
  • Gain fluency in the English language used in the global tourism industry.
  • Expand your customer reach by understanding the magic of Indonesian cuisine.
  • Learn how ethical and sustainable practices fuel long-term success in tourism.

You will study 8 courses in this program. Every course that you complete well, you will get a certificate for that course. And if you complete all courses and get a certificate. Then you will get a Building and Managing Businesses in the Age of Tourism and Technology Micro-Credential badge


Course Name Institution Average Hours Course Detail
A Practical Introduction to Business Model Canvas Universitas Pelita Harapan 16 Detail
Auditing 1 (English) Universitas Terbuka 16 Detail
Customary Law Universitas Terbuka 16 Detail
English for Hotel and Tourism (English) Universitas Terbuka 8.5 Detail
Family Business Management Universitas Pelita Harapan 8 Detail
Good Public Governance Universitas Terbuka 16 Detail
Nusantara Culinary Universitas Pradita 8.5 Detail
Travel Industry Business: How to Prepare and Submit Quotation Universitas Pelita Harapan 24 Detail


Offered by

Universitas Terbuka

Universitas Terbuka

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Universitas Pelita Harapan

Universitas Pelita Harapan

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Universitas Pelita Harapan

Universitas Pradita

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  1. Course Number

  2. Enrollment Start

  3. Enrollment End

    Dec 30, 2024
  4. Class Start

  5. Class End

    Dec 30, 2024
  6. Estimated Effort

    113 Hours
  7. Language

  8. Course Type

    Self Paced
  9. Quota

  10. Price

  11. Level

  12. Business and Management
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