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Mitra User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide!

Welcome to our University Administration Guide! This comprehensive resource has been meticulously designed to support both lecturers and students in effectively managing their academic endeavors within our institution. From handling course materials to facilitating student engagement, we are dedicated to furnishing you with clear instructions and helpful insights.

Registration as Mitra and Dashboard

Registration as student

To register, click the register button at the top right and input the credentials needed such as email, username, full name, name of the university enrolled, and other information. After done with the credentials required, click the create account button and an email verification will be sent to that email. Once activated and verified, the page will be directed to dashboard page.

Registering as a Student.

Email Confirmation

After activated and verified, an email will be sent by notifying you are registered.

Email Confirmation Process.

Entering the portal as mitra

Login by inputting the right credentials to be directed to the dashboard page.

Accessing the Portal as a Mitra.

Going to the Dashboard

The dashboard contains the current balance of the mitra and contains the transactions, on-going transaction, succesful transaction, data graph for access and completed transaction, and the current number of lecturers and courses.

Navigating to the Dashboard.

Learner Management

Showing the learners - 1

Under the learners tab on the left side of the page click the outbound part of the learners tab to access the page. Outbound learners have the following: the total learners, in progress learners, passed, learners, and failed learners. It also has the pie graph and data table for the number of learners. This can be filtered through setting time range for when the user has registered as a learner. The data table can be sorted and filtered as well as can be downloaded as a XLS or CSV file if the user wishes.

Displaying Learner Information - Part 1.

Showing the learners - 2

To check the details of the learners, click on the details. For this example the in progress details will be used to view the data. It will show the data graph of the in progress learners with the data table that can be sorted by gender and filtered by the university. The data table can also be downloaded into a CSV or XLS file. Viewing Passed learners details allows the user to see the participants who have passed a specific course and can be viewed via graph or data table. The data table can be also sorted, filtered, and can be downloaded as XLS or CSV file. Viewing Failed learners details allows the user to see the participants who have failed a specific course and can be viewed via graph or data table. The data table can be also sorted, filtered, and can be downloaded as XLS or CSV file .

Displaying Learner Information - Part 2.

Lecturer Management

Showing the lecturers

Click on the lecturers tab to view the lecturers page. It displays the Active lecturers, data count, graph, and the data table of the lecturers. This can also filter time range, sort the status, filter status whether it is pending active or deactivated, as well as can download the data table as XLS or CSV file. The lecturers detail can also be viewed to see the lecturers full details. This can also be seen to the lecturers profile that can view all the faculty lecturers registered to the portal.

Showcasing Lecturer Profiles.

Updating a lecturers details

To update a lecturers profile, click the details of a lecturer and the user can edit the details of the lecturer as well as download the data table of the lecturer as XLS or CSV.

Updating Lecturer Details.

Active or Inactive Lecturer Update

Click the lecturer details and use the toggle button to activate the lecturers status. you can also see the activities of the lecturer by clicking the see activities of the lecturer to know if they login or logout of the portal. The data table can also be downloaded as XLS or CSV file.

Activating or Deactivating Lecturer Status.

Course management

Showing the courses

By going to the courses tab, the user can filter the date on where the total courses was added by clicking the drop down button. It can also set the time range for filtering. the courses tab displays the demographic for the courses and the data table that displays the courses that the lecturer uses. This can be downloaded as XLS or CSV file. By clicking the details of the course whether it is active, archived, drafted or total, the demographic and data table of each course details will be shown on a different page. The data table can be downloaded as an XLS or CSV file.

Displaying Available Courses.

Adding a course

To add a course, click the "add course" button above the date filter dropdown. here you can input the credentials of the course such as the name of the course, the course code, the institution of the course, category, course type, course run, level, the language of the course, its description, highlights, and where the visitors will be attracted. The course can also be assigned to a lecturer by inputting the name of the lecturer and clicking the save button once done.

Adding a New Course.

Receiving a course in-submission

Click the courses for submission details. here you can see the demographic and data table of the course that can be curated.

Receiving Course Submissions.

Curating a course

Click the curation button on one of the courses and the user can decide if the course is accepted and declined with an optional extra note to be filled. Once done, click update.

Curating Course Content.

Putting a price on the course

In advanced settings tab, scroll down to see the cosmetic course display price section to change the price of a course then click save changes once done.

Setting Course Prices.

Flash sale and Transaction Management

Receiving a flash sale acknowledgment for participating in the flash sale.

In the flash sale tab, click the add flash sale and select one of the courses that is selected to be on sale, set the percentage and the period of the flash sale on the course with the inputted then submit to save and make the course on sale. you can see the flash sale is set once you see the course was added but it is inactive with the time range of the flash sale displayed.

Acknowledging a Flash Sale.

Showing Transactions

On the transaction details tab displays the total transaction amount, the total transactions, and the data table for the transactions history with the filter drop down button for the time range. This can be displayed through excel format or the print button format that displays as a printable format. This can also be sorted through lecturer name, course name or payment method. The completed transactions tab has the data table with the filter drop down button for the time range and can be displayed through excel format or the print button format that displays as a printable format. This can be sorted through course name and transaction code as well as each transaction can view the full details of the transaction history.

Viewing Transaction History.

Income Report

The income report tab displays the total transactions amount and the data table in the excel format that can be switched to the printable format of the income reports. The fund request and the fund withdrawal or disbursement history can also be viewed here as well as it can be switched to their printable format of the table.

Generating Income Reports.

Other QoL and Settings

Essence of Notifications

The notifications can be seen as the bell icon through the top right side of the side besides the profile button.

Managing Notifications Preferences.

Visit the profile

To visit the profile click the profile button under the kebab menu to see the profile of the account.

Accessing User Profile.

Show the setting

To show the account settings, click the settings button under the kebab menu. the information of the account can be changed through here.

Exploring Settings Options.