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ICE-I Admin User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide!

Welcome to the ICE-I User Guide! This extensive resource has been thoughtfully crafted to empower the main administrator with full control over the website functionalities, as well as overseeing the management of university affairs, students, and lecturers. From overseeing course materials to ensuring seamless interaction among students and lecturers, we are committed to providing you with precise guidance and valuable insights to efficiently manage all aspects of the website.

Account Management

Entering the portal

To login the admin credentials, you must first go to the login page of the ICEI website and input the admin credentials such as the corresponding email and the password to enter to the admin website.

Navigating to the user portal for account management.

Visit Profile

To visit the profile, go to the kebab menu on the right side of the site and click "Profile".

Exploring and updating user profile information.


Click the kebab menu or the three dot menu on the upper right side of the site and click the settings text. Under the settings, account and user information can be changed by inputting the credentials that can be changed or added. There is also an option to permanently delete the account with just one press of the button.

Adjusting the settings.

Notification Purposes

Click the bell icon on the upper right side of the screen to show the notifications. This can be show the transactions and the course notifications. You can select to view all notification by clicking th view all notifications and it will show you all the notifications of the site including the transaction and course notification.

Managing notification preferences.

Logging out

Click the 3 dot menu on the upper right side of the site and click the logout button.

Properly logging out of the account.


Going to the dashboard

After entering the admin site, the total learners, partners, courses, and lectures will be shown. The transaction chart as well as filters to the partners and a specific time range dropdowns are shown and can be toggled. the Learners chart is also present with the dropdown for time range is shown. Most enrolled and popular courses are also shown here with the dropdown button for time range. Countries map and details such as learner data, course data and device used are shown with the top rankings for lecturers, partners and course categories.

Accessing the main dashboard interface.

Showing the sections of dashboard

The sections of the dashboard contain the transaction chart, the time range dropdown button for filtering the time for daily recorded transaction, weekly recorded transaction, monthly recorded transaction, and yearly recorded transaction. The learners chart also displays the statistics of the learner of the course and can be filtered through time as well. The most enrolled and popular courses can be seen as a section of the dash board as well.

Highlighting different sections and functionalities of the dashboard.

Partners Management

Showing how to update a partners details

Go to partners section and click on partners list tab. in this section you can download the reports of the partners to either XLS or CSV file as well as the details and list of partners with the filter drop down to limit entries and a search bar. In the add partners section displays data under the the summary tab the following details: the analysis of the course, learner, and lecturer by showing a pie graph indicating the data represented. The profile tab displays the inputs for adding a partner by typing the institution credentials, organization name, account number and more.

Demonstrating the process of updating partne's information.

Course Management

Showing Courses Section

Under the courses tab, the user can see the data for the number of the courses published, archived, and more with addition to course analysis such as the course chart for different institutions and filtering the time by selecting a date range. Under the course analaysis, the publised courses, the archived courses, and the waiting for approval courses are displayed these can be downloaded into a XLS and CSV and can filter type of courses, institutions and ratings.

Navigating to the courses section for management.

Curating a Course

To curate a course, click the curation button under the curation remark tabs, put necessary details and press update when it is done, a website sign will pop up and says "Course accepted successfully". The specific course curated will be added to the published courses tab.

Steps to create and manage course content and details.

Transaction Management

Transaction View

The transaction view can be seen throughout the transactions tab and can be used to view the transaction charts and profit data of all the partners and specific institutional partners. This section can also display the partners disbursement report that can eb downloaded as XLS or CSV file with the drop down filters of the table which includes status, method, course institution, and date filter. The partners Disbursement report can be seen in this tab.

Viewing and managing transaction records.

Transaction of Partners

The transaction of partners can be seen throughout the transactions tab and it displays the data for no. of transactions and the transaction charts as well as the data table for the total partners transaction. The data table can be downloaded as CSV or XLS file.

Demonstrating partner transactions and processing.

Learners and Lecturer Section

Showing Learners

The learners tab displays the demographic for the total learners and the learners chart and can select a date range for when the learner has been registered. Below the demographic data for the learners are the data table for the total learners which the data can be downloaded to XLS and CSV. The learner details on the data table can filter genders, countries, institutions, and the time registered that the data table can display. The time range can be displayed through days, month, years, and even a specific date. To check the details of the student, click on the details link on the right side of the data table to view the student's full details. It displays the full details of the student as well as the downloaded file to CSV and XLS.

Accessing and managing learner profiles and data.

Showing Lecturers

The lecturers tab displays the demographic for the total lecturers and the lecturers chart and can select a date range for when the lecturer has been registered. Below the demographic data for the lecturer are the data table for the total lecturer which the data can be downloaded to XLS and CSV. The lecturer details on the data table can filter genders, countries, institutions, and the time registered that the data table can display. The time range can be displayed through days, month, years, and even a specific date. To check the details of the lecturer, click on the details link on the right side of the data table to view the lecturers full details. It displays the full details of the lecturer as well as the downloaded file to CSV and XLS.

Reviewing lecturer profiles and information.

Voucher Management

Vouchers and Flash sale

Vouchers and flash sales can be accessed by vouchers and flash sales tab that can display the data table for both vouchers and flash sales with the corresponding filters and can be downloaded as XLS or CSV file.

Understanding voucher management and flash sale promotions.

Voucher Creation for Public

Vouchers for different institutes can be created by creating a new voucher under the Vouchers and Flash Sales section by setting it as public and inputting the credentials such as voucher name, quota, estimated expenses, voucher period, semesters and which partner institution does it apply. After creating the new voucher, this can be seen on the data table of the vouchers and can be searched as well that can be used to the public.

Creating vouchers for general use by the public.

Voucher Creation for Special Occasion

Special occasional vouchers can be created by setting the creation of the vouchers to special instead of public and inputting the following details such as voucher name, quota, estimated expenses, voucher period, semesters and which partner institution does it apply. After creating the new voucher, this can be seen on the data table of the vouchers and can be searched as well that can be used to the public.

Generating vouchers for special events or occasions.

Content Management

Showing Content

Click the Content bar to expand tabs ranging from Announcements, Slides, and Articles. Under the announcement tabs, the announcement data table can be downloaded to a XLS or CSV file as well as the option to add an announcement. Under the slides tab, the data table can be downloaded to a XLS or CSV file as well as the option to add a slide and the option to post, remove, or delete an existing slide. Under the articles tab the data table can be downloaded to a XLS or CSV file as well as the option to add a slide and the option to post, remove, or edit an existing article.

Exploring the content management interface and options.