Universitas Negeri Jakarta
"Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) is one of the state universities in the capital city of Jakarta. Since 1963 it was established under the name Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta. In 1999 it was changed to the State University of Jakarta. As a university, UNJ organizes educational and non-educational study programs. Thus UNJ does not only produce graduates of teaching and education personnel, but also other fields as well as other universities in Indonesia. The field of Education is held in all study programs in UNJ as a continuation of guidance from the previous field (IKIP Jakarta). Educational field study programs are held in all study programs in UNJ as a continuation of guidance from the previous field (IKIP Jakarta) and continue to be developed optimally. Meanwhile, study programs in non-educational fields at the diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels are being and will continue to be developed in stages.
UNJ has a vision to become one of the reputable universities in the Asian Region with a mission to organize the tridharma of higher education that is superior and useful for human benefit. Currently, UNJ has eight faculties that organize educational and non-educational study programs, namely the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Sports Science, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Psychology Education and one postgraduate program."
Total Learners
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